woman-shopping-for-produceFilling Half Your Plate with fruits and veggies is easier if you prepare for the week before going grocery shopping. Once you have a plan, it’s easier to make sure you stick to it and prepare nutritious meals for the whole week ahead. The grocery store can be overwhelming and full of temptations, but filling half your cart with fruits and veggies is a great step towards eating healthier for the whole week!

Here are some other tips and advice to follow when doing your weekly groceries:

1. Shop the perimeter. Be sure to grab most of your food from the produce, meat, bakery, and dairy sections to make sure you’re getting the healthiest options.

2. Spend some extra time looking at produce. Got a few minutes? Browse the produce section more than you normally would, you may find a new fruit or vegetable to add to your meals! You can also talk to your store’s dietitian for tips and tricks.

3. Learn how to pick the best produce. Check out our fruits and veggies from A-Z to learn the key attributes of the freshest produce.

4. Don’t shop when you’re hungry and always carry a list when you shop. You’ll be more likely to stick to your budget and nutritious food choices.

5. Look for washed and bagged salads, baby carrots, celery hearts, broccoli and cauliflower crowns, cherry tomatoes, and shredded cabbage in your grocery store. Some stores even offer fresh mixed veggies ready for stir frys or stews.

6. The good news about fruits and veggies in Canada is that we have access to a wide range of fresh produce year round thanks to improved growing, storage and transportation systems. If you’d like to know more about the availability of specific produce, this Availability Guide will help. Use it to plan your meals and your next trip to the grocery store.

7. Buy fresh produce, like peaches or bananas, in varying degrees of ripeness to allow for some ripening towards the end of the week.

8. If you’re cooking that day, try buying manager’s special items or “unattractive” produce. They may be reduced for quick sale but still make a great addition to soups and stews.

9. Use store flyers to help you find specials. Most stores have flyers available online, and some loyalty programs give bonus points or perks based on the amount of produce you buy!

What are your smart shopping tips for adding more fruits and veggies to your cart? We’d love to hear from you!

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