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Legacy Life Wellness

Nutrition practitioner
Phone:(780) 505-1320
Location:Airdrie, Alberta


I have been a Natural Nutrition Clinical Practitioner for more than 7 years but I have been in health and wellness for 30! As a young person I loved to be active and played many sports, some at a very highly competitive level! As an adult I continued to be active but somehow my “other” habits (nutrition, sleep, stress) were catching up to me! When I went back to school to complete my diploma in Holistic Nutrition, I realized there was more to being “healthy” than just being active, and so my nutrition practice began! I was trained in functional holistic nutrition with an orthomolecular philosophy which means believing healing is rooted in the individual. Today I work with people one-one and in small groups focusing on our gut and how that plays a role in hormone balance and immunity! We can live our best life when we have our best wellness to do that—what are you doing to live your legacy life?


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