Vous avez besoin d’aide pour adopter de meilleures habitudes alimentaires? Consultez notre liste de diététistes et de professionnels de la santé pour obtenir du soutien. Les diététistes peuvent vous fournir des conseils personnalisés pour vous aider à atteindre vos objectifs en matière de nutrition. Que ce soit pour la planification des repas, la gestion d’un trouble de santé ou la saine alimentation malgré un budget serré, les diététistes peuvent vous aider.

Registered Dietitian & Certified Intuitive Eating Counsellor
Phone:(613) 807-5366
Location:Ottawa, Ontario


Jennifer Neale is a Registered Dietitian and Certified Intuitive Eating Counsellor in Ottawa, Ontario. She has a Masters Degree from McGill University and is a member of both the College of Dietitians of Ontario and Dietitians of Canada. Jennifer became a Dietitian in 2012 and has been working in various sectors within the world of dietetics ever since. This has included working in community health and diabetes education, private practice, insurance, workplace wellness, and software development. In 2017 Jennifer became a mom to a wonderful little girl. This really changed the way in which she practices Dietetics. After suffering from her own eating issues in University, she did not want her daughter to grow up in an environment that prioritized body size above all else. As a result, Jennifer uses a Health at Every Size® approach in her practice combined with with the principles of Intuitive Eating. You can learn more about this philosophy here. Now a mom of two, Jennifer uses her expertise as a non-diet, weight-inclusive Dietitian and Certified Intuitive Eating Counsellor to help clients achieve their health goals at any body shape and size. She is very passionate about helping other women, especially other moms, find food freedom and rejoin the table. She wholeheartedly believes that if you want to raise intuitive eaters you have to do the work yourself first and be the example.


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