Nutrition Information
1 serving = 312 g (1 fruit)
- Very high in Vitamin C (60% Recommended Daily Intake per serving)
- Very high in Vitamin B6 (37% Recommended Daily Intake per serving)
- High in magnesium (20% Recommended Daily Intake per serving)
- Source of manganese (13% Recommended Daily Intake per serving)
- Source of copper (11% Recommended Daily Intake per serving)
- Source of iron (7% Recommended Daily Intake per serving)
- Source of phosphorus (7% Recommended Daily Intake per serving)
- Source of zinc (6% Recommended Daily Intake per serving)
Look For
Fruits that are yellow-green, firm and without blemishes. Dark spots and splotches should be avoided.
To Store
Cherimoyas will ripen at room temperature for a few days until softened. They can then be tightly wrapped and refrigerated for up to 4 days.
To Prepare
The pulp of the cherimoya is the only edible part, so remove the seeds and peel before eating. Halve the fruit and spoon the inside from the shell. Cherimoyas are best served well-chilled.