Nutrition Information

1 serving = 56 g (100 mL)

  • Source of Vitamin B6 (9% Recommended Daily Intake per serving)
  • Source of Vitamin C (8% Recommended Daily Intake per serving)
  • Source of Vitamin B2 (8% Recommended Daily Intake per serving)
  • Source of folacin (7% Recommended Daily Intake per serving)
  • Source of fibre (2 g per serving)
  • Fat-free (0.1 g per serving)
Look For

The roots should be black skinned with a creamy coloured interior. Select medium-sized roots that are smooth and firm. The leaves should be deeply veined and have wavy margins but salsify is often sold without the leaves.

To Store

Wrap salsify in a plastic bag and store in the refrigerator for up to two weeks.

To Prepare

Scrub the root under cold running water, peel with a sharp knife and place in water with a little lemon juice, then cut into short lengths and simmer for half an hour until soft. Drain, then sauté.

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